Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Tag, I’m It

Mr. Bite tagged me yesterday. The task, identify 5 interesting things about myself that people aren’t likely to know…or something. And then tag 5 other people.


1. I've shagged punts for the man who was to become New Orleans’ Saints all-time leading punter.

2. I was born in New Jersey. I got out before it made me hard; before I turned 1.

3. In early Jr High I crashed my Free Spirit bicycle when the duffel bag I was carrying on my handlebars got caught up in the front wheel. Someone in the neighborhood found me unconscious in the street and called an ambulance. I regained consciousness on the way to the hospital. I didn’t ride again until college.

4. Hardees was my first place of employment. It’s no longer a Hardees but some of the faces are still the same.

5. If there was one place I’d rather live it would be Chicago.

Tag, you’re it - peddlingshutterbug, sasquatch, geoff, sans auto, m.mccluskey


  1. Ah, perhaps No. 3 helps explain the number of Will Smith tunes (including "Getting Jiggy Wit' It") that showed up on what I believe was the first installment of the LastFM recent soundtrack.

  2. Uhhh...I think someone hacked my LastFM account.


  3. I miss Hardees and their Mushroom 'n' Swiss.

  4. Awww yeah. Sometimes, at the end of the day there'd be mushroom sauce left over.

  5. I'm from New Jersey, too. A small town near New Brunswick. And you?

  6. Born in Patterson and lived in Wayne.
