Monday, June 08, 2009

It Was Bound To Happen...II

I just didn't feel like it...

I procrastinated...

I waited 'till I'd be too late for work to bike...

I found one completely dead battery in the car.

I rode - and was a happier person for it.

I jumped the car tonight and tripled its miles for the week in hopes of it starting next time I need it.


Snakebite said...

Car batteries do have a lifespan. If the thing is, say, five (5) to six (6)years old or more, it might not want to hold a charge anymore regardless of how much driving you do.

See. Cars really are inferior!

Garrett said...

It's a bitter-sweet feeling to find that you have left your car parked long enough that the battery has drained.

Glanzer77 said...

So my wife hauled me and the bike to work today so I could ride the 18 miles home after work.

Had this feeling in the middle of the day that I didn't want to ride home...then remembered how much I enjoy riding HOME instead of riding to WORK.

Glad I didn't have the Subaru option today.