This evening as I prepared my wardrobe for the ride home I found myself facing a zipper problem. The Fox Stormfront jacket that I celebrated in
this blog post from January 2006 had developed a faulty zipper.
This was critical. I was desperate for time and facing the necessity of riding home in mid-teen temperatures with an unzipped jacket. Luckily a second zipper pull on the jacket saved me.
Now I'm looking with suspicion on my other single zipper pull jackets. I don't know if I'll be able to trust again.
I stood and spoke favorably to the City Council tonight about the Shape Sioux Falls 2035 Comprehensive Plan. There are verified reports that
Mr. Bite did as well but he availed himself an earlier opportunity. I did not see him nor hear his words.
I find myself contemplating the replacement of TV with real tangible experiences – and I consider that I might be on to something. In front of me was the mayor whom I'd handed a
LAB Bicycle Friendly Community award to a couple months ago. To my left was councilor Kenny Anderson whom I'd last seen (and mostly first seen) less than a week ago inside the Kenny Anderson Community Center. We were presenting the
FAST/Leaders Park plan to some of his constituents.
I was highlighting some of my favorite bits of the plan and got to corridors. In an attempt to demonstrate the importance of planning corridors I suggested one need only watch a group of teenage girls try to walk from the Empire Mall to the Empire East Mall to realize corridors need attention.
I relinquished the podium. The next man to speak identified himself with his name, his address, and his high level position at the Empire Mall - "thank you very much” – which received a fair amount of laughter.
I stand by my statement.