For as much much driving as I did today it was a pretty good MinusCar day.
The Ride To Remember: despite early rain, wet roads and cool temperatures 25-30 rollers departed Colorado Technical University at 8-ish this morning. The police department was kind enough to give us a two motorcycle escort. They blocked traffic at intersections for mostly worry free passage through the high volume suburban sprawl roadway.
After returning to the campus CTU provided bagels and The Owner and I split speaking time. I covered five roadway cycling tips and one driving tip, he covered the ABC Quick Check and other maintenance items.
KELO(land) and KDLT gave the event nice coverage this week. KELO(land) attended most of the event today. Their video is embeded below. Mr Bite, the CTU President and ummm...that MinusCar fellow are featured.
For the afternoon The Wife had a few hours of work to perform downtown. I had a few stops to make. We departed with The Boy 9 and headed to the "
A Growing Place Garden: Harvest Festival" at Lowell Elementary.
I'm a huge fan of this project. Of course some of my favorite people are involved. This is the current best hope for teaching urban agriculture to students and building a culture of locally grown food.

This is the newly completed green house built on school grounds. The dirt boxes are built right on the asphalt and we identified tomatos, eggplant and kohlrabi. Interestingly this week Steven Colbert lamented to the US Congress that dirt is at ground level. Here it is not.
With some time to kill we headed to Falls Park to view the swollen falls. The Boy 8 spotted the trolley on which we rode a lap and dropped The Wife off at her employer. The Boy 8 and I were left to entertain ourselved.
Which we did by spending 3 hours at The Falls. We climbed stuff...

We enjoyed a cool beverage and I introduced him to the idea of The Red Hat Society...

We observed The Falls of the Big Sioux River...

We played on the beach (such as it is)...

And we noted this strange palette load...

Finally it came time to retrieve The Wife, but first we stopped off at City Hall to ride the Bike SmART rack...

And we observed this strange palette load...

So I went to The City's website to find out "
Why this is here?"
To be clear, part of living the MinusCar dream is having time/being forced to linger. The Boy 8's curiosity led the way on our 3 hour tour of the park. I wouldn't trade that for the ability to run to B & G Milkyway in it's final weekend - as important as that is.
Finally the evening's activity placed me at Monk's House of Ale Repute for a bit of a celebration. Our Falls Area Singletrack project passed a significant milestone in the last month and it was time for some celebrating.
Community occurred...and it was good.
And this guy. Was there.