A guest! We were pleased to have Tom from Minneapolis join us for the ride. It didn't take long to learn he volunteers for Transit for Livable Communities, one of my favorite organizations, and he knows some of my (heros?) favorite people.
We headed off to Dunn Brothers - and I managed 27 miles for the morning.
In the afternoon The Family headed to the Outdoor Campus. We explored the place for a few hours. I took some pictures of the wildlife along the way.
I failed to take a picture of the snake we found warming in the sun. Snakes. November. The Boy 7 and The Wife saw a deer - I didn't get a photo of that either.
I did get a tree sloth.
There was a kid who's not necessarily soft spoken but he still had a big stick .
We found these ducks.
This one appeared to be Alpha.
Finally, it was clear that we'd overstayed our welcome.
We wandered some more and found a bird named Woody...
...and a tree that could hold everybody up.
Finally it was getting late...
...so we headed home.