Monday, March 15, 2010

A Little Bit Of Everything

It's time. No excuses. I'm back.

After spending last week ill, springing the clocks ahead, 40 weekend miles, and a 3 hour nap instead of an 8 hour sleep...

I rode to work.

I walked to my workout (9 minutes) - which I abandoned before the end for lack of energy or an impending sense of doom.

I walked back to work. (11 minutes)

I rode the bus most of the way home. It takes some effort to put the 3 inch Hookworm tires into the 2 inch bike racks.

I rode the rest of the way home.

I single occupant drove to the school. I was going to bring him home in the BOB trailer - which he loves - but, still knackered, I couldn't find the energy within.

I multi-occupant drove home.

Oh, and I helped a little old lady pick up her dropped bag of groceries on the bus.

It was a good day. I'm looking forward to more just like it.


Snakebite said...

Knackered? Little old lady?

mytzpyk said...

Well normally I'd just point and laugh as I drove by.

db said...

I know that knackered feeling.

fter riding home in a headwind yesterday, I shoved that feeling aside and rode another 12 miles, on single-track. Sometimes getting on the bike when you're exhausted actually invigorates you. This was one of those times.