Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Imagine the misunderstandings of the sales people in dealing with a customer who is more interested in how the car will look parked in the garage or on Google Maps parked in the driveway than whether or not the glove box locks and which button makes the rear defrost work.
So I picked a dollar amount and in the end missed by $226.
The MinusCar II Lives…
But this is not the end of the story. As part of the process the car spent the afternoon with The Engine Whisperer and he was able to identify an ever so slight sound emitting from the engine that ought to be fixed because “surely you can find a Pontiac that doesn’t make that sound.” Sure enough, tilting one’s head just so to the left revealed the sound of an unbalanced washing machine two doors down on the other side of the street during the dog days of summer while the neighborhood kids play a humid game of kick the can.
Shhhh…can you hear it? It’s ok. I can wait. Fix it. I’m used to going long periods of time without a car.
But this is not the end of the story. I could describe the exact details of how it transpired that I possessed the car for three weeks without actually paying for it. Or how it transpired that the title of said car was surrendered to me without me actually paying for it. Or about how I was half way across the state and they called to ask if maybe, perhaps, I was ready yet to pay for it.
But I'm not sure those details are appropriate to share. I'm not even going to name the dealer.
Besides, yesterday I wrote the final chapter to make the car mine. I turned this…

Into this…

This is the end of the story. NOW it’s mine.