Walk: 1.1
Bike: 5.9
Multi-occupant: 0.5
Single-occupant: 4.3
This morning was the coldest day yet and the wind was blowing a ridiculous amount. I knew two things.
1. The wind would be at my back in the morning.
2. The MinusCar had been sitting in my employers lot since Friday and it was high time to bring it home, AGAINST THE WIND, at the end of the day.
I did.
I forgot the transportation donut yesterday: 9/21 to 9/27
We must resist this cold weather! I shall brave the cold tomorrow in your honour! But tonight, I took it indoors to the stepmill.
I stepmilled yesterday too. And when I wasn't doing that I was lunging.
I'm sore.
Wish I could count on wind direction being consistent from one end of the day to the other—always seems like I have a headwind in the morning and a headwind coming back the other way in the evening. I can't win.
I would call that a smart us of resources.
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