Late last summer he determined it was time to give up on his car as primary transportation. To do this he needed to be more centrally located within the city. Previously his residence was extreme south and his employment is extreme north. He moved downtown.
We met outside his apartment building and selected a lunch destination. Instead of the establishment directly beneath his apartment we went one door down to enjoy a relatively new place. Our meals were prepared and delivered by the owner.
While we ate a gentleman arrived and briefly conversated with the owner. Snakebite observed the various relationships between the two people in conversation, their work and their residence. All are downtown.
Community. Is it a side effect of deciding it’s time to consume and produce less? Perhaps it’s no coincidence that living downtown is becoming more attractive.

When we're less obsessed with getting somewhere to get something perhaps we realize we already are somewhere...and the something we find is the gift of time and human interaction...
Aren't I just the coolest mofo?
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