The bank. Pickle Barrel. The Long Range Transportation Plan Open House. The Plain Green 10 Conference de-brief. The Pheasants.
On my way to work I got honked at (A FRIENDLY HONK) by a car full of goldfish, if you know what I mean.
I heard a rumor that The City had re-painted and re-adjusted many sensor triggered traffic control devices. I happend upon a few of them in my travels today. Put your bike wheels on the circles and the red light will change to green.
At the downtown library I found the LRTP Open House. I saw Snakebite. I saw CycleSD. I saw other friendly faces. I saw lots of data. I put my name on the sign in sheet.
Here's one of the most important slides. It's the fourth item that's groundbreaking.
The Local Daily featured the open house. I found a couple names in the article that I recognized.
The full report is available here on the MPO website.
I also got an answer to my question about the upgrade vehicle sensors. That was nice.
On to Monk's for the Plain Green Conference 10 de-brief. Mostly I sat and was just happy to be there. Good people to sit and absorb words from.
I'm a little disturbed about the bike parking area outside Monk's.
Departed early for the Pheasants game. I found the family car in the parking lot. Locked my bike to it and joined The Family for one beautiful evening of 11-0 good guys win baseball. We even left the stadium one foul ball richer.
Yes, I rode home in the car with The Family.
Full of goldfish. Don't know what you mean but I'm having fun imagining: children chomping on goldfish crackers... occupants gaping out the window with mouth-open goldfish-faces. Hmmm... a bunch of Finns? Fishy looking people?
Now if you could only tell us why they call them Q-tips?
SDPP - they look like q-tips don't they?
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