Wednesday, December 19, 2012

First Accumulated Snow 2012 - Bike It!

It snowed. I rode. To work and back. My ride, condensed, with occasional commentary.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Cold Air Density

The sweaty guy on my bike tonight wanted to know if cold air is more dense.

Finished Bicycle: Dec 13, 2012, 5:35:14 PM
Average: 12.36 mph
Distance: 7.91 miles
Bicycle This Week: 26.40 miles
Bicycle This Month: 89.59 miles

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/10 Transportation Donut

This donut is for the past two weeks. I replaced 83 single occupant vehicle miles with my bicycle and my feet. Yes, walking counts too. All 2 miles of it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Morning's Ride To Work

BillySquier'sMusic and I agree - best winter morning in a long time!

Finished Bicycle: Dec 11, 2012, 8:54:32 AM
Average: 13.70 mph
Distance: 5.28 miles
Bicycle This Week: 5.28 miles
Bicycle This Month: 68.47 miles

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Before The Tubas

I found a free hour before Tuba Christmas.

Finished Bicycle: Dec 8, 2012, 2:04:47 PM
Average: 12.32 mph
Distance: 14.04 miles
Bicycle This Week: 57.05 miles
Bicycle This Month: 63.19 miles

Friday, December 07, 2012

Snow Yeah Part I

For some reason I think it's important to ride the first snowfall.

Enjoy Dunn Bros.

Finished Bicycle: Dec 7, 2012, 3:13:31 PM
Average: 11.52 mph
Distance: 18.66 miles
Bicycle This Week: 37.90 miles
Bicycle This Month: 44.04 miles

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Meeting @ Monk's

That was some of the coldest 50-degrees I've experienced. The 20mph wind and darkness may have been contributing factors.

Rode to a FAST meeting at Monk's tonight. I spent a fair amount of time taking the long way there.

Good to see the usual suspects and to welcome the new president and secretary. FAST 2.0 is getting started.

Finished Bicycle: Dec 5, 2012, 9:29:14 PM
Average: 14.14 mph
Distance: 19.24 miles
Bicycle This Week: 19.24 miles
Bicycle This Month: 25.38 miles

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012

O Holy Night...Then A Dog

On my ride home from work. It was after sunset. I was listening to the Christmas Story from my best of Francis Chan collection. Just as a trio began to sing O Holy Night a dog comes out of the darkness and manages to get my lower leg between its jaws.

Could it be a metaphor?

Amazingly it didn't bite me.

I'm smiling though. Lots of people dream about carrying a gun when they ride. It seems to me this would be a time where I would use one if I had one.

I'm glad I didn't and don't.

However, I am a fan of laws requiring dogs to make their owners use leashes.

Finished Bicycle: Nov 29, 2012, 5:54:29 PM
Average: 14.02 mph
Distance: 7.86 miles
Bicycle This Week: 28.48 miles
Bicycle This Month: 224.84 miles

Walk This Way

Walking to lunch is another way to avoid sitting in a car.

Finished Walk: Nov 29, 2012, 1:42:18 PM
Average: 3.26 mph
Distance: 1.65 miles
Walk This Week: 1.65 miles
Walk This Month: 1.65 miles

Just Another Ride To Work

It was fun! How was your ride?

Finished Bicycle: Nov 29, 2012, 8:58:03 AM
Average: 14.54 mph
Distance: 7.25 miles
Bicycle This Week: 20.62 miles
Bicycle This Month: 216.98 miles

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Walgreens - Three Things I Like About...


Pictures of the six local locations. Emphasis added.

If there's a national retailer...

that has higher...

standards for...

pedestrian access to...

it's buildings...

I'd like to see it.

I wonder if there's ever been a board member who wondered if they were opening themselves up to some sort of liability problem by inviting people to walk across their parking lots to get into the building. I mean really, they're practically inviting someone to walk there.


The Walgreens iPhone App.

Seriously amazing to me. When my prescription runs empty I scan the barcode on the bottle with my phone. Before long there's a freshly filled prescription waiting for me to pickup. And with express pay I don't even have to find a way to pay.

This is easily my favorite iPhone App.


We don't serve your kind.

So there I was parked and waiting patiently in the pharmacy drive-up this morning waiting to pick up a freshly filled prescription. I think I frustrated the pharmacist because she was having difficulty understanding my words. I've noticed there's a certain temperature that numbs my face enough that it changes the way my talking sounds. I think she had had enough when she decided to tell me that usually they don't serve bicycle riders in the drive-up. 

"It's a liability issue for us."

Why is this a favorite thing for me? Well, picking up prescriptions could be much more interesting and exciting. I wonder what the worst possible thing might be.

Just Another Ride Home From Work

I just noticed it's starting to get darker earlier.

Finished Bicycle: Nov 27, 2012, 5:37:11 PM
Average: 12.94 mph
Distance: 7.99 miles
Bicycle This Week: 13.37 miles
Bicycle This Month: 209.73

Walgreens Teaser

Oh, Walgreens, don't you know disallowing bicycle service thru drive-up is soooo 2006?

Finished Bicycle: Nov 27, 2012, 8:51:19 AM
Average: 13.23 mph
Distance: 5.37 miles
Bicycle This Week: 5.37 miles
Bicycle This Month: 201.73 miles

Monday, November 26, 2012

11/19 Transportation Donut

It's Monday.

Time for a doughnut.

This week I replaced 79 miles of driving a single occupant vehicle with riding a bicycle.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

100 Miles This Week

It's been a bit of a long time since I've ridden 100 miles in a week. Good to get out today and meet my goal.

Finished Bicycle: Nov 25, 2012, 4:56:36 PM
Average: 16.16 mph
Distance: 18.84 miles
Bicycle This Week: 108.82 miles
Bicycle This Month: 196.36 miles

Friday, November 23, 2012

My Black Friday Dilemna...

...I chose the black one for my pretty cold Black Friday Ride. Today I spent $4.69 for a black coffee and a burrito so I feel like I contributed.

Finished Bicycle: Nov 23, 2012, 4:45:42 PM
Average: 16.30 mph
Distance: 8.87 miles
Bicycle This Week: 89.98 miles
Bicycle This Month: 177.52 miles

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Spoke -n- Sport/The Banquet Ride

Made it! Happy Thanksgiving Spoke & Sport and The Banquet. Gotta find me some stuffing now.

Finished Bicycle: Nov 22, 2012, 10:25:02 AM
Average: 12.96 mph
Distance: 30.80 miles
Bicycle This Week: 81.11 miles
Bicycle This Month: 168.65 miles
Bicycle Last Month: 8.66 miles

67 Degrees Day Before Thanksgiving

That's close.
Can I get a "CA?"
Sign of the times?
Native habitat.
Stopped at the Visual Art Center. I highly recommend Bryan Christiansen: Trophy Hunter
I think she looks good in orange paper clip.
Josiah's for a spot of tea.
A federal building to hand with my President.
...and done.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Nov 21, 2012, 2:16:25 PM

...a very nice way to spend day one of a 5 day break.

Finished Bicycle: Nov 21, 2012, 4:53:28 PM
Average: 13.85 mph
Distance: 19.78 miles
Bicycle This Week: 50.31 miles
Bicycle This Month: 137.85 miles
Bicycle Last Month: 8.66 miles

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Nov 20, 2012, 4:41:23 PM

Where do I log when my nose runs? Better keep riding so it doesn't catch me.

Finished Bicycle: Nov 20, 2012, 5:14:58 PM
Average: 14.25 mph
Distance: 7.88 miles
Bicycle This Week: 30.53 miles
Bicycle This Month: 118.07 miles
Total Last Month: 1585.50 miles

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Nov 20, 2012, 8:33:25 AM

Finished Bicycle: Nov 20, 2012, 9:03:45 AM
Average: 15.17 mph
Distance: 7.29 miles
Bicycle This Week: 22.65 miles
Bicycle This Month: 110.19 miles

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Aug 21, 2012 5:31:01 PM

Attended a board meeting for a little non-profit I helped start a few years ago. It's called Falls Area Singletrack and the first item on the agenda was to ride Leaders Park together. GOOD TIMES. I also rode to the meeting.

Finished Bicycle: Aug 21, 2012 9:27:11 PM
Distance: 15.30 miles
Ride Time: 1:15:54
Total Time: 3:56:11
Average: 12.09 mph

Google Maps URL:

Ride Demonstration: School Zone - Discovery Day 1

The first day of school gets a little crazy with the parking and delivering of the kids. I left the audio in so you can hear all the angry honking (there is none). The camera angle reveals gear changes and braking which is kinda fun (maybe just for me). Enjoy.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Aug 20, 2012 4:45:11 PM

First day of school ride. The school zone was interesting in the morning. I might make video.


Finished Bicycle: Aug 20, 2012 5:50:11 PM
Distance: 11.34 miles
Ride Time: 46:18
Total Time: 1:05:01
Average: 14.69 mph

Google Maps URL:

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Jun 24, 2012 7:35:33 AM

I like going out Sunday morning to see evidence of Saturday night's drunken driving.

Finished Bicycle: Jun 24, 2012 8:54:37 AM
Distance: 21.22 miles
Ride Time: 1:15:18
Total Time: 1:19:03
Average: 16.91 mph
Bicycle This Week: 123.56 miles
Bicycle This Month: 164.41 miles
Google Maps URL:
Import URL:

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Aug 10, 2012 5:25:26 PM

73 degree out. How could I not go a little extra?

Finished Bicycle: Aug 10, 2012 6:21:49 PM
Distance: 12.91 miles
Ride Time: 50:06
Total Time: 56:23
Average: 15.46 mph
Bicycle This Week: 56.49 miles
Bicycle This Month: 97.34 miles
Google Maps URL:
Import URL:

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Aug 8, 2012 2:31:15 PM

Punctuated in order by an MPO Citizen Advisory Committee meeting, seeing The Hooterville Mayor, 1/2 mile swim at Sanford Wellness Center and a visit to Pomagranate Market for wheat free pretzels.

Finished Bicycle: Aug 8, 2012 5:55:32 PM
Distance: 21.88 miles
Ride Time: 1:26:13
Total Time: 3:24:17
Average: 15.23 mph
Bicycle This Week: 38.19 miles
Bicycle This Month: 79.04 miles
Google Maps URL:
Import URL:

Monday, August 06, 2012

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Bicycle Law Revisions: 2nd Reading Michael

It's like high school speech class really. Give a 5 minute persuasive speech about a topic that interests you.

First thing, ask for 6 minutes.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bicycle Law Revisions: Smart Cycling Councilor Endorsement

A few weeks ago I got a pretty good endorsement as a cycling instructor from a city council person - during a city council meeting. It's in the video.

Tuesday night the city council unanimously passed a set of bicycle law revisions that improve the situation for riders in the city.

I'm not saying this passed because of me. I am saying I didn't hurt the effort.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Bicycle Law Revisions: Abreast Riding, Officer Arrest That Man!

This week, Tuesday at 7pm our city council will vote to approve revisions to the local bicycle ordinances including one that could make riding abreast LEGAL. Legalize riding abreast - or arrest these men! Please attend the city council meeting to support local cycling.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Revised Bicycle Laws: 26th Duluth To Dakota Across Minnesota

The councilor I spent time with on Saturday was specifically curious about what driving through this intersection would look like at 5pm on  a weekday. Tuesday I recorded it. This morning I sent it to him.

Part 1 of the whole narrated trip:
Part 2 of the whole narrated trip which includes a perfectly illegal failure to stop that put me at moderate risk:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Revised Bicycle Laws: When Conversation Is Criminal

Hello again councilors:

I hope you fathers had a fabulous Father’s Day Weekend.

On two occasions I took some new riders out and taught them a few things about riding bicycles on the roads. You’ll remember that I’m a cycling instructor.

One of those people is my son, a freshman marching band student at Roosevelt. He wanted to attach the trailer to his bike, then he loaded up his baritone and I showed him the safest routes from home to school and to his section leader’s house. I figure what with this generation losing their affinity for cars like they are my son could end up the coolest kid in band camp.

On both occasions I spent large amounts of time riding abreast of my riding partner. Sometimes to teach, other times just to talk. I find talking to people much easier when I am beside the person. It turns out I'm a social being. By nature. We all are. We can't help it.

Did you know only three states in the union explicitly prohibit riding two abreast? Did you know South Dakota isn't one of them? Why is Sioux Falls the only city in the state that explicitly denies bike riders the ability to effectively communicate with our riding partners?

I'm leading my wife through the neighborhood. My wife says something. I don't hear her. She says something again. I don't hear her. She checks behind for overtaking vehicles - as I've taught her to do before moving laterally in the roadway - and rides up alongside me and says, "you missed the turn." I still can't hear her because the police siren drowns her out. The officer tickets her for riding abreast. She says she'll never ride bikes with me again.

Normal pleasant conversation between cyclists should not be a criminal act – please accept the proposed two abreast law.

Remember, the proposal disallows riding abreast when a vehicle is approaching from behind.

Thank you.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Revised Bicycle Laws: On Getting Rid of Laws

I was asked a question...

My understanding of the ordinance dealing with bicycles is that much of it could be done away with. What I mean by that is that many of the rules of the road that apply to motorized vehicles do and/or should apply to bicycles. An important exception would be to allow bicycles to go through a red light without waiting endlessly for the light to turn green. Any thoughts about my comments?

I answered...
I believe you are understanding correctly that within law bicycles are defined as vehicles and all laws that describe how one vehicle relates to another vehicle on the road include the relationship between a driver of a bicycle at the driver of a car.

There are three key ordinances:

1. Section 40-1 which includes bicycle as a vehicle.

2. Section 10-34 which gives bicycles all the rights and responsibilities as any other driver.

3. Section 40-77 which encourages riding to the right.

Item 1 MUST remain. This one ensures bicycles are included in every ordinance that describes how one vehicle should interact with another vehicle on the road.

Item 2 MUST remain because you absolutely need an affirmative law that states bicycles are allowed to operate on the roadway as vehicles. If you don't state it affirmatively then 2000 pounds and drivers with attitudes will use "might makes right" to force perfectly legal riders off the road.

Item 3 has important sentiment to drivers. This one encourages bicycle riders to ride to the right as far as practicable. Much of the content of the proposed revisions seeks to further define item 3. Further definition is necessary because 20 years of misinterpreting, misreading, misunderstanding and mispracticing item 3 has left the city itself unable to agree upon what it means.

I think allowing bicycles to wait for red lights to change and then proceeding through the intersections as an alternative to endlessly waiting for them to change is a reasonable approach to a systemic problem.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Revised Bicycle Laws: On Running Red Lights

Councilors, I thank Rex Rolfing for acknowledging that he receives e-mail.

I have little doubt that some of you share in the general public sentiment that so few riders actually follow the law why does it matter that we adjust the laws we have in place? Much of that sentiment is likely based on the number of riders you know of or hear of that ride through red lights.

I also have little doubt in the past you’ve heard from motorcyclists that your traffic signals don’t detect their motorcycles; they need a law that will allow them to ride through unchanging red lights. You’ve long denied them this opportunity.

Here are two key differences between motorcycles and bicycles:

1. Because of their additional size, motorcycles are far more likely to be detected at actuated signals than bicycles.

2. There is not a city ordinance for motorcycles that says, “Every person driving a bicycle shall have all of the rights and all the duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle.” City ordinance section 10-34.

Because there is city ordinance that says all people driving bicycles have all the rights of drivers of any other vehicle; because as citizens we all have a right to working and functioning traffic control devices. Because the problem of traffic control devices that fail to detect bicycles is a systemic problem. I believe the city runs afoul of its own ordinance.

The systemic failure to detect bicycles is like driving behind a person with their left foot on the brake pedal. With their brake lights on all the time the existence of their brake lights means nothing. It’s no wonder so many riders don’t stop for red lights that will never change to green.

Here is your chance – in an orderly and standardized fashion - to decriminalize the bicycle riding citizens of the city – and in fact to decriminalize the city itself.

It was interesting to me to learn in the informational meeting the city is also running afoul of the law with the placement of sharrows on the left side of the roadway on Main and Dakota Avenues. It would appear the rules for bicycles on the road are so murky not even your own roadway experts can operate within the law.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Revised Bicycle Laws: Lanes that are not Safe to Share

Councilors, thank you for indulging me again.

There may be some handwringing over proposed law revision language that appears to allow riders to deviate from the right edge of the roadway. Wring your hands no more. The fact is South Dakota law already contains a whole host provisions that allow riders to move left to control an entire lane. The fact that some councilors (and drivers, and riders) don’t know this is evidence that revising these laws will be helpful to everyone.

I’ve ridden over 10,000 miles inside this city. I could not do this if I didn’t understand that lanes less than 14 feet wide are sometimes not safe for me to share. I need 2 feet to the curb. I need 2 feet for my body. I need 3 feet to my left. An average car is 7 feet. The US Uniform Vehicle Code agrees with me that 14 feet is generally a shareable width.

A competent, responsible cyclist knows, to ride in the right 3ft in a lane that is 11 feet wide invites close passing by drivers, is not safe for me, and it's not sustainable to my riding. It’s simple math really. 3 for me, 7 for a driver = 10 feet out of 11. Too narrow!

I love this language from the revised law, “a bicyclist may ride in the middle of the right-hand lane to indicate to vehicles behind the bicyclist that passing within the same lane is not safe.” I want drivers to know that the reason I am riding in the middle of a lane is because it is not safe at the moment for me to share the lane.

I always allow passing when it is safe for me to do so.

Please pass these revised laws. They are important for effective, responsible and competent cycling.

Thank you.

Helpful link:

South Dakota bicycle operation on roadway law -

32-20B-5. Operation on roadway--Riding close to right-hand curb required--Violation as misdemeanor. Any person operating a bicycle upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. However, a person operating a bicycle may move from the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway to overtake and pass another bicycle or vehicle proceeding in the same direction, to prepare for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or roadway or to avoid conditions including, but not limited to, fixed or moving objects, parked or moving vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, animals, surface hazards, or substandard width lanes that make it unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb or edge. For purposes of this section, a "substandard width lane" is a lane that is too narrow for a bicycle and vehicle to travel safely side by side within the lane. A violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor.

* emphasis is mine.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Revised Bicycle Laws: Sidewalk Riding

I thank you councilors for taking the time to consider changes to our local bicycle laws.

I am Michael Christensen a League Cycling Instructor certified by the League of American Bicyclists to teach their Smart Cycling curriculum. I also served on the committee that offered cyclist revised law input to Sam and the planning department. I will introduce myself further at the second reading council meeting.

I’m going to send you a series of short e-mails this week to address some of what I heard at the informational meeting tonight. Short. I promise.

On the matter of sidewalk riding: councilors please - as we work through this process do not damage in the public eye, those of us who do legally and responsibly ride our bicycles on the roadways. Personally held opinions that sidewalk riding is safe riding are one thing, the same publically stated opinions reveal undereducated thoughts from governing decision makers.

I teach cycling safety. I teach the safest way to sidewalk ride is pedestrian speed. I teach stopping at every intersection is what South Dakota law requires of sidewalk riding.

I teach people that want to cycle meaningfully, that want to really go somewhere, they must operate their bicycle within the law on the roadway as a legal vehicle.

The predictability from riders that Councilor Anderson craves is found with 100 years of traffic engineering on the road with bicycles as vehicles. These revised laws will help citizens understand this. Your traffic engineer supports these revisions.

Helpful internet reading:

South Dakota Department of Public Safety 10 Smart Routes to Bicycle Safety - - never mentions sidewalk riding as a safety feature.

Safety page of twin cities public bike sharing: - “don’t ride on the sidewalk”

The 130 year old League of American Bicyclists “rules of the road” page: - “be conspicuous...don’t ride on sidewalks.”

Thank you.

Monday, May 07, 2012

Transportation Donut: Week Begins 120430

The Transportation Donut is back...

The week that was:

1. The South Dakota Bicycle Coalition released the 2012 South Dakota Bicycle & Event Guide. View it here on the shiny new South Dakota Bicycle Coalition website...

2. There was a Bike to Work Day meeting. National Bike to Work Day is always the 3rd Friday of May. That makes Sioux Falls Bike to Work Day Friday May 18.

The week that is...

1. Spoke-n-Sport's Race Series begins Wednesday.

2. The Chris Clark Bicycle Stunt Show is coming to Spoke-n-Sport Saturday for their grand opening.

Monday, April 30, 2012

30 Days of Biking:The End is Here

Requirement: ride bicycle every day during April
Log: 30 of 30 days ridden
Bike - 342 miles
Walk - 17 miles
Multi-occupant Auto - 303 miles
Single-occupant Auto - 134 miles
Driver pass then stop abruptly: 3
Driver fails left turn from my right: 1
Driver completes left turn from my right: 1 (this was bad)
Finds: I know where there's a handicap parking tag in the gutter. Might come in handy with my arthritis.
Pleasures: innumerable

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 30, 2012 5:15:00 PM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 30, 2012 5:41:22 PM
Distance: 5.50 miles
Ride Time: 22:20
Total Time: 26:17
Average: 14.78 mph
Bicycle This Week: 10.70 miles
Bicycle This Month: 341.93 miles

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 30, 2012 8:34:53 AM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 30, 2012 8:56:30 AM
Distance: 5.20 miles
Ride Time: 19:29
Total Time: 21:19
Average: 16.01 mph
Bicycle This Week: 5.20 miles
Bicycle This Month: 336.43 miles

Google Maps URL:

Sunday, April 29, 2012

30 Days Of Biking: The End Is Near

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 29, 2012 3:08:42 PM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 29, 2012 4:22:43 PM
Distance: 10.39 miles
Ride Time: 50:41
Total Time: 1:13:55
Average: 12.30 mph
Bicycle This Week: 97.27 miles
Bicycle This Month: 331.23 miles

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 29, 2012 12:55:04 PM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 29, 2012 1:16:58 PM
Distance: 3.36 miles
Ride Time: 13:51
Total Time: 21:50
Average: 14.54 mph
Bicycle This Week: 86.88 miles
Bicycle This Month: 320.84 miles

Google Maps URL:

Saturday, April 28, 2012

30 Days Of Biking: Run to Dunn Bros

Cyclemeter Car Apr 28, 2012 10:15:00 AM

Finished Drive-Multi: Apr 28, 2012 12:00:18 PM
Distance: 11.99 miles
Trip Time: 26:57
Total Time: 1:16:00
Average: 26.69 mph
Drive-Multi This Week: 38.59 miles
Drive-Multi This Month: 286.75 miles

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 28, 2012 7:43:47 AM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 28, 2012 9:44:42 AM
Distance: 18.52 miles
Ride Time: 1:18:19
Total Time: 2:00:47
Average: 14.19 mph
Bicycle This Week: 83.52 miles
Bicycle This Month: 317.48 miles

Google Maps URL:

Friday, April 27, 2012

30 Days Of Biking

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 27, 2012 5:58:10 PM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 27, 2012 6:03:36 PM
Distance: 0.88 miles
Ride Time: 5:00
Total Time: 5:21
Average: 10.54 mph
Bicycle This Week: 65.01 miles
Bicycle This Month: 298.97 miles

Google Maps URL:

Thursday, April 26, 2012

30 Days Of Biking:That Clicking Sound Has Got To Go

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 26, 2012 8:12:57 AM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 26, 2012 10:39:55 AM
Distance: 5.82 miles
Ride Time: 26:41
Total Time: 2:26:45
Average: 13.09 mph
Bicycle This Week: 56.60 miles
Bicycle This Month: 290.56 miles

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Car Apr 26, 2012 7:52:31 AM

Finished Drive-Multi: Apr 26, 2012 8:12:25 AM
Distance: 6.18 miles
Trip Time: 12:58
Total Time: 18:17
Average: 28.60 mph
Drive-Multi This Week: 23.66 miles
Drive-Multi This Month: 271.82 miles

Google Maps URL:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 25, 2012 5:17:58 PM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 25, 2012 7:32:31 PM
Distance: 18.40 miles
Ride Time: 1:17:39
Total Time: 1:51:38
Average: 14.22 mph
Bicycle This Week: 50.77 miles
Bicycle This Month: 284.73 miles

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Walk Apr 25, 2012 12:00:11 PM

Finished Walk: Apr 25, 2012 12:53:41 PM
Distance: 1.70 miles
Walk Time: 33:54
Total Time: 53:23
Average: 3.01 mph
Walk This Week: 3.45 miles
Walk This Month: 14.41 miles

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 25, 2012 8:19:14 AM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 25, 2012 8:44:39 AM
Distance: 5.70 miles
Ride Time: 21:58
Total Time: 25:10
Average: 15.57 mph
Bicycle This Week: 32.37 miles
Bicycle This Month: 266.33 miles

Google Maps URL:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

30 Days Of Biking:You Say It's Your Birthday

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 24, 2012 8:16:57 PM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 24, 2012 10:06:34 PM
Distance: 6.86 miles
Ride Time: 31:24
Total Time: 53:45
Average: 13.10 mph
Bicycle This Week: 26.67 miles
Bicycle This Month: 260.63 miles

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Car Apr 24, 2012 12:15:23 PM

Finished Drive-Multi: Apr 24, 2012 12:33:23 PM
Distance: 3.97 miles
Trip Time: 9:57
Total Time: 17:56
Average: 23.92 mph
Drive-Multi This Week: 17.48 miles
Drive-Multi This Month: 265.63 miles

Google Maps URL:

Monday, April 23, 2012

Cyclemeter Car Apr 23, 2012 6:55:09 PM

Finished Drive-Multi: Apr 23, 2012 7:22:50 PM
Distance: 5.90 miles
Trip Time: 13:41
Total Time: 27:36
Average: 25.85 mph
Drive-Multi This Week: 5.90 miles
Drive-Multi This Month: 254.06 miles

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Car Apr 23, 2012 6:30:07 PM

Finished Drive-Single: Apr 23, 2012 6:43:43 PM
Distance: 5.16 miles
Trip Time: 10:42
Total Time: 13:24
Average: 28.92 mph
Drive-Single This Week: 5.16 miles
Drive-Single This Month: 102.13 miles

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 23, 2012 5:28:31 PM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 23, 2012 6:29:31 PM
Distance: 14.19 miles
Ride Time: 56:16
Total Time: 1:00:54
Average: 15.13 mph
Bicycle This Week: 19.81 miles
Bicycle This Month: 253.77 miles

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Walk Apr 23, 2012 12:09:34 PM

Finished Walk: Apr 23, 2012 12:53:59 PM
Distance: 1.75 miles
Walk Time: 33:28
Total Time: 44:18
Average: 3.15 mph
Walk This Week: 1.76 miles
Walk This Month: 12.71 miles

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 23, 2012 8:35:31 AM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 23, 2012 8:58:07 AM
Distance: 5.62 miles
Ride Time: 20:01
Total Time: 22:25
Average: 16.84 mph
Bicycle This Week: 5.62 miles
Bicycle This Month: 239.58 miles

Google Maps URL:

Sunday, April 22, 2012

30 Days of Biking:The Wind Blocks Some of the Arrogance

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 22, 2012 7:56:51 PM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 22, 2012 8:20:30 PM
Distance: 4.89 miles
Ride Time: 19:26
Total Time: 23:33
Average: 15.09 mph
Bicycle This Week: 50.30 miles
Bicycle This Month: 233.96 miles

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Car Apr 22, 2012 6:20:45 PM

Finished Drive-Multi: Apr 22, 2012 7:46:07 PM
Distance: 7.47 miles
Trip Time: 18:57
Total Time: 57:45
Average: 23.66 mph
Drive-Multi This Week: 19.02 miles
Drive-Multi This Month: 248.16 miles

Google Maps URL:

Saturday, April 21, 2012

30 Days of Biking:Errand Running

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 21, 2012 11:31:26 AM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 21, 2012 12:30:42 PM
Distance: 6.54 miles
Ride Time: 35:05
Total Time: 53:06
Average: 11.18 mph
Bicycle This Week: 45.41 miles
Bicycle This Month: 229.08 miles

Google Maps URL:

Friday, April 20, 2012

30 Days of Biking: It's Late

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 20, 2012 11:06:47 PM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 20, 2012 11:12:30 PM
Distance: 0.80 miles
Ride Time: 4:09
Total Time: 5:40
Average: 11.59 mph
Bicycle This Week: 38.87 miles
Bicycle This Month: 222.54 miles

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Car Apr 20, 2012 5:20:19 PM

Finished Drive-Single: Apr 20, 2012 5:32:03 PM
Distance: 4.47 miles
Trip Time: 9:11
Average: 29.21 mph
Drive-Single This Week: 43.72 miles
Drive-Single This Month: 92.44 miles

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Car Apr 20, 2012 9:52:23 AM

Finished Drive-Single: Apr 20, 2012 1:24:04 PM
Distance: 8.31 miles
Trip Time: 18:55
Average: 26.35 mph
Drive-Single This Week: 39.24 miles
Drive-Single This Month: 87.97 miles

Google Maps URL:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

30 Days of Biking: Hey!

Cyclemeter Car Apr 16, 2012 7:03:20 PM

Finished Drive-Multi: Apr 16, 2012 7:42:29 PM
Distance: 6.05 miles
Trip Time: 14:36
Average: 24.87 mph

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Car Apr 16, 2012 5:48:02 PM

Finished Drive-Single: Apr 16, 2012 6:42:32 PM
Distance: 4.34 miles
Trip Time: 9:19
Average: 27.96 mph

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Walk Apr 16, 2012 12:39:53 PM

Finished Walk: Apr 16, 2012 1:37:26 PM
Distance: 0.89 miles
Walk Time: 19:24
Average: 2.75 mph

Google Maps URL:

Cyclemeter Car Apr 16, 2012 8:46:30 AM

Finished Drive-Single: Apr 16, 2012 10:07:37 AM
Distance: 18.28 miles
Trip Time: 23:03
Average: 47.59 mph

Cyclemeter Cycle (Road) Apr 16, 2012 8:17:32 AM

Finished Bicycle: Apr 16, 2012 8:45:43 AM
Distance: 5.73 miles
Ride Time: 21:29
Average: 15.99 mph

Google Maps URL:

Monday, April 09, 2012

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Friday, April 06, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

A MinusCar Project Demonstration: 10th St Sharrows Pt 1

This one is a bit mundane compared to the previous interstate interchange video...but isn't that the point? To ride in such a way that interactions with traffic are the least exciting parts of the ride.