Wednesday, June 09, 2010

6/7 Transportation Donut

I haven't done The Twitter much but this week I'm totally riding the Tour deKota and the Race Across America vicariously by reading peoples twitter-bits. It's great fun.

Mike Dunlap is predicted to arrive at Time Station #2 around 12:30 tonight in his RAAM. Know that if I awake in the middle of the night I'll be checking to see that he's through it. At that point he'll have 2,863 miles remaining.


I have donuts to share!

Importantly The MinusCar sat in the driveway all week.

Unfortunately, I remained home Thursday and Friday giving the beat down to some high sinus pressure. So the bike miles couldn't quite push the car miles below 50%.

All in all it's a not a bad donut.

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