Monday, April 07, 2008

SDBC Score #2

Recently I wondered aloud why The Local Daily hadn't covered the genesis of the South Dakota Bicycle Coalition.

Today they did.

Thanks to those who made that happen - and nice twist turning into a FAB article too!


bikingbrady said...

That's what I was thinking as well. I think somehow we became the Sioux Falls Bicycle Coalition :-P

mytzpyk said...

I had to read it twice. There's the group that organized the summit and the summit attendees organized the coalition.

That keeps the lines drawn where they should be - if you can accept that the Argus is a hometown newspaper, not regional.

I'm sure the Argus thinks of itself as a hometown newspaper, right?

bikingbrady said...

This was more the line I was looking at: In addition to its Sioux Falls projects, the group sent a letter to the state Department of Transportation Railroad Board... Regardless, it's nice to see the positive press!

mytzpyk said...

Ugh...I missed that. Very nice.

thE_kErnEl said...

All is FAB, FAB is all.