Trips -
MinusCar: 11
Multi-occupant Auto: 4
Single occupant Auto: 4
Destinations: 30
Rain. Lots of rain caused half my single occupant trips. I made up for some of them with a meandering 26 mile ride with B.O.B. to the Downtown Farmer’s Market. I purchased baby cucumbers, some tomato basil parmesan bread and cabbage. I went back to the booth with the “cheddar” cauliflower but it was sold. All they had left was purple. The Boy 5 isn’t bothered that it doesn’t taste like grape.
My Car Miles: 29
My Bike Miles: 123
Between lightning strikes on Saturday I planted (with help) two 4x4’s in the garden. Look how fast they grew! I think they look sturdy enough to hold up a clothesline. Perhaps maybe a solar panel? They withstood Sunday’s 40mph winds.
The Boys are calling for a compost bin too.
Those are some very healthy looking 4x4s.
I saw some plans somewhere online for a super-cheap solar food dehydrator I want to assemble with daughter #1. I think it would be a fun project, and putting dried summer strawberries on your cereal in December would be cool.
While on Tour de Kota I saw a dude pulling a trailer (not a BOB) with a large rubbermaid container on/in it. On top of the container was a 12 inch by 18 inch solar panel. I rode next to him to ask him about it. He told me he uses it to charge his cell phone, GPS, lights, and stuff like that. His trailer had a sticker that said, "Burn calories not oil." Very cool.
Mr. Bite - did you get a picture? (crosses fingers)
Gonna be at RAGBRAI this year. Y'all gonna come down and say howdy?
Pics - I didn't take my camera this time. RAGBRAI - yes, sort of. A group will be riding incognito on Sunday (meaning we didn't register we're just going to show up and ride).
On the solar panel thing - I'm pretty sure that dude was from Brookings.
Woo - how can I not?
Mr. Bite - that dude has what I want. The ability to charge consumer electronics...and possibly limit my use of consumber electronics to the amount of energy delivered by Mr Sun.
Minus: Put an ad in the local personals. "Dude pulling solar panel: Look me up.". Bet your readership spikes.
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