We each enjoyed a 2+2+2, links for me, bacon for he. Our server claimed to be a 75 to 100 mile a week roller. Mostly hybrid miles but she found herself a Gunnar on the internets at the end of summer. She likes riding enough to have a trainer. She likes having a trainer enough to complain about having one.
The bikes outside parked in the bike rack made from shoveled snow (that we were lucky enough to be seated by) garnered their fair share of curiosity as we covertly looked on over maple syrup infused pastry through tinted restaurant glass.
We chatted about the incredible difficulty found in crossing Western Ave between 41st and 49th Street - which brings up interesting ideas and thoughts about roads and habitat disruption and roads and human habitat disruption. Who's responsibility is it to be sure this human habitat remains human inhabitable? Apparently it's not the Tennessee Valley Authority. But that's for a future likely non-existent post.
After our ride blew apart into two distinct pieces I found my way back to Caribou Coffee where I was lucky enough to discover then end my ride with a festive chat with The Owner. I'd do that more often if I could. I rode seven more miles than start-time degrees, which makes for an interesting formula for minimum ride length requirements.
The afternoon featured a walk in the park. Literally.
It was still cold...
Some of us didn't seem to mind...
If you're the type of person that finds shades of grey pretty then you're the type of person who might find this photo pretty...
The Mom mentioned that The Great Aunt In Illinois indicated via Christmas card that she's a MinusCar Project reader. All I can say to that is...
Merry Christmas Runell.
I am sorry I missed the C&D ride. I had set my alarm, but for PM instead of AM.
I was tired.
3 Gs, only 1 B. Thanks for the leadership this morning.
Wow - you guys didn't waste any time.
Hoots - I can't think of a time I don't miss you.
G's and B's - I know, but it sounds too good to me to leave out.
I think cycleSD knows this chick at the Dinner. I think he helped her or looked at stuff she had printed off about bikes on the internet(s).
In addition to crossing Western between 41st and 49th, I've been thinking about potential bike commuters who are deterred because of few crossing opportunities for I-29.
I overslept as well.
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