Recent research concludes that band students might suffer some hearing damage.
Ya think!
Have I ever told the story of the time I, as a Washington High cheerleader tangled with a Lincoln High band parent at Howard Wood Field? Of course I haven’t.
This is a family blog. I'm not even sure my family knows the story.
20 years provides me this perspective – the band parent was still wrong.
I stepped into the dark side today. I played a band parent – in real life. The Boy 10 began playing the baritone this year in school. Today was Tuba Christmas.
Tuba Christmas is a call to all tuba players: pay $5, rehearse for an hour, eat lunch, play three free afternoon concerts at three different venues. The Boy 10 was among a handful of 5th graders. I guess the oldest was 73. Many of the tubas looked 73.
They played many familiar Christmas songs. We sang along to Silent Night – well, once we found an octave that wasn’t waaaaay toooo loooow. At the end they wished us a “Merry TubaChristmas.”
Quite a satisfying day for a first time band parent. My role: carry the music stand and the sit stool. Hold the coat during the performance. Transport to next venue.
BUT - today the MinusCar Family participated in the Federal Highway Administration National Household Travel Survey. Did I mention there was a rehearsal and three concerts at three venues? And lunch?
I filled up the survey log and had to continue on a separate additional sheet of paper. That’s not how I imagined my log would look when I agreed a few weeks ago to participate.
Oh well - I guess the feds get to waste another year believing 0% of trips in Sioux Falls are taken by bicycle.
Sioux Falls singletrack discussion continues tomorrow afternoon.
there was, once upon a time, a great rock band in lincoln, ne that featured the tuba. it was called 'thud'. i think it was tuba, bass guitar and drums.
Ah, your boy is now launched on a path of lifetime learning and fabulous babes as a member of the Tuba Coalition. Don't worry that he's only a baritoner. He'll want to move up later in the life to the big machine. I say this a man with a tuba in his office. You must be very proud.
Is it true you're beginning Hawaiian slack keyed guitar lessons?
BnS - your tuba playing history has not been lost in my household.
SB - when I get my hands on the person spreading that rumor I'll - oh, it's you?
It's all true.
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