Monday, May 23, 2005

The First Task – Work

I drive to work, alone. I drive to lunch, alone. I drive home, alone. This is the low handing fruit, the place to start, the key to the success of this whole experiment. If I can’t get this figured out, then the entire deal is a failure.

But of course, it’s not exactly easy. I drop a child at daycare or school most every day. I supply my work team with water; which means handling a 5 gallon jug of water every 4 days. Often I meet people for lunch. On the way home I pick up one or both kids from daycare and school.

For a couple months I’ve been experimenting with a work related ride. It involved leaving my car at work and riding home at the end of the day. The following morning I’d hitch a ride with my wife to work. That saved me a single trip to work every week. That’s a start, and it’s been good practice for what I’m going to try to do.

School ends Wednesday. Beginning Thursday both kids will go to the same place in the morning. This will simplify a portion of the morning routine, in that it won’t be unreasonable for the wife to drop both kids off in the morning, allowing me the freedom to find my way to work.

Task: Monday – determine bus routes and times, to and from work.
Task: Tuesday – on some level, do it.

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