Last year I acquired a single speed road bike after deciding I wanted to participate in City Billy's Schnoctoberrfest. I'm sure there will be some recaps posted soon as the participants wake up.
I didn't go! Life is a series of choices, eh?
While The Boy 6 finished up his soccer season with The Grandma, the rest of The Family experienced a new non-consumptive activity - well except for the drive there. Life is a series of choices, eh?
We went here...
While Split Rock Creek bubbled happily nearby...
Our guide showed us what to do...
And we did...
And again...
I love fall...
Climbing at Palisades State Park.
Guide service from Sylvan Rocks.
Wow! Very awesome. Especially a great experience for the kid.
Great time bonding with the kiddos!
I was at the location of which you speak exactly 7 days ago with my oldest son. We just did some free climbing, but climbing with some gear will be in our future due to my son's penchant for climbing anything remotely climbable. We also camped in a tent overnight - chilly!
NEAT! We have been out to the palisades a few times too. We always climb on the rocks.
What is it that drives 6 to 11 year olds to want to climb up things?
Looks like Green-Oh got 'em up and down. Nice. I haven't been on any rock all year. That sucks.
Too bad you missed Schnoctobeerfest, it was a good time. At least you were out of the house doing something cool with the kids. I would say you are excused this time. No excuses next year, you have to go.
Wow, that looks like fantastic rock for climbing. Good for you guys, getting out there and getting a qualified guide to help you figure things out.
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