In 1995 Rock Shox introduced the yellow Judy XC suspension fork. The striking yellow front end and advanced technical features helped solidify the Judy as a landmark product.
In 1995 I abandoned my first full time job for greener pastures. I elected to transfer my retirement savings (such as they were) to my pants pocket, and went straight to the LBS formerly known as the Bike Barn to upgrade my current ride to a yellow forked and legendary GT Zaskar.
A few years ago Judy’s oil damper cartridge broke. With the help of The Owner and some hard to find after market parts sitting on someone’s shelf in Tuvalu (maybe) her life was extended as a Total Air suspension fork. At that time The LBS also converted the Zaskar to a single speed.
Tonight The Family did some Christmas shopping. Instead of suffering the crush of people in shopping central, the mall, or wal*mars, we elected to enjoy some relaxed downtown shopping. The Wife rounded up The Boys, I put the bike on the car and we headed for downtown dining and shopping.
Parking was difficult to come by. After some futile searching we headed for a parking ramp. This is what was left on the car after the parking ramp removed the Zaskar from the roof.
Longtime readers of this blog who are scoring at home (or if you’re alone) will know this is the third time I’ve rammed bikes into buildings with cars (second time for the Zaskar) since The MinusCar Project began. A very infinitesimal part of me is proud of the irony that because I drive so little I'm more likely to destroy my bicycles. Nonetheless, readers should take a moment to consider dropping their subscription to the blog of an idiot.
I'll renew my subscription. I must say, it's provided me some Saturday morning giggles today. I don't mean to laugh at your, ah, misfortune, but it's hard not to giggle just a little.
oh dude...
don't let it get you down.
if you carry a bike on top of a car, it's a matter of when, not if.
Same thing happened to my friend. He was tired after a hard day's riding, and simply forgot his bike was up top as he entered a parking garage. Full story HERE
Happens to the best of us. A pal of mine recently destroyed a nice old (circa 1984) Trek 510 with his garage. The wierd thing is that he got out to open the garage door and his wife proceeded to drive in, neither of them mindful of the bike (well, it was dark and snowing.)
I haven't done it yet, but I'm absent-minded enough that it feels sort of inevitable.
ouch, that hurt from 600 miles away.
i've done it once, back in the day, but no damage done. now i drive a truck with a lid, so safety there. bummer.
oh . . .sad . . .
this is a huge bummer -- sorry to hear!
Somehow this is ironic...sorry for your loss.
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