Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Passenger Data: September 7-13

9/12 – 5pm – Work to Home – 8 aboard, 1 pickup, 5 drop
9/12 – 8am - Home to Work – nil, nada, nothing, zero
9/9 – 12pm – Work to Lunch – 9 aboard
9/8 - 12pm - Lunch to Work - 9 aboard, 4 pickups, 1 drop
9/8 – 11am – Work to Lunch – 4 aboard

I’m biking both ways for work so my bus trips are fewer. As you can see I’m utilizing it primarily for lunch meetings. I really like the change to a bus every 30 minutes.

Generally I think the passenger counts have been a little higher over the past couple weeks, with the exception of the 9/12 ride to work. I’ve learned from reading TransitLibrarian that the rain keeps bus riders inside and this was a wet day. Still, I was very surprised to be alone for the whole trip. I began tracking passenger counts July 18, this was the first time I’d been on a bus alone for an entire trip.

The Park/Ride has become my preferred method for bus rides to work. It’s twice as far as my old neighborhood stop (2 v. 4 miles) but a bus departs every 30 minutes, the parking is meant for what I’m doing, and I won’t have to be as concerned with snow. Have I mentioned that I really like having a bus ever 30 minutes on that route?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being alone on the bus is a bit weird. I ride on two bus routes that many times I'm the only passanger. I don't like being the only passanger because a) there isn't anything to watch and more importantly b) I'm afraid they will cut the route. That actually did cut weekends and after 7:00 on one of those routes, which sucks, because it is the bus that goes directly in front of my house.

Anyway, more bus riders equals more busses which equals me being able to get around better and my boyfriend staying employed.